Submarine payment configuration options
Shop payment methods
A shop payment method links a shop to a payment method and a processor, e.g. credit cards via Stripe, or PayPal via Braintree. The behaviour of the payment tokenisation can be defined at both the gateway and when processing recurring orders.
A shop can have multiple payment methods.
Supported methods
Name | Description | Processors |
Bank transfer | A manual method requiring the transfer of funds to be processed asynchronously between customer and merchant. |
Credit card | The standard method of payment. The card details are tokenised and can be used for future recurring payments. |
PayPal | Support for tokenised PayPal methods is provided via Braintree. |
SEPA | Servicing direct-debit payments in the EU. |
Supported Processors
Name | Description | Behaviours |
Braintree | Used to support credit cards and PayPal. |
Cybersource | Only supports credit cards. |
KOMOJU | Targeting credit-card payments in Japan. |
PayPal Billing Agreements | Limited support for the charging of legacy imported Billing Agreements. Not supported via checkout. |
Stripe | Used to support credit cards and SEPA. |
Submarine | A catch all to handle manual payment methods. |
Updated 9 days ago