Subscription order endpoints
List subscription orders
List subscription orders{{ customer_id }}/subscriptions/{{ subscription_id }}/subscription_orders.json
Fetch a list of the subscription orders for the given subscription.
Parameter | Name | Required | Type | Description |
Path | customer_id | Yes | integer | ID of the currently logged in customer. |
Path | subscription_id | Yes | integer | ID of the subscription to retrieve orders for. |
Update existing subscription order
Update existing subscription order{{ customer_id }}/subscriptions/{{ subscription_id }}/subscription_orders/{{ id }}.json
Update an existing subscription order.
Parameter | Name | Required | Type | Description |
Path | customer_id | Yes | integer | ID of the currently logged in customer. |
Path | subscription_id | Yes | integer | ID of the subscription the subscription order to be updated belongs to. |
Path | id | Yes | integer | ID of the subscription order to update. |
Skip subscription order
Skip subscription order{customer_id}/subscriptions/{subscription_id}/subscription_orders/{subscription_order_id}/skip
Skip an order in the subscription schedule.
Parameter | Name | Required | Type |
Path | customer_id | Yes | integer |
Path | subscription_id | Yes | integer |
Path | subscription_order_id | Yes | integer |
Unskip subscription order
Unskip subscription order{customer_id}/subscriptions/{subscription_id}/subscription_orders/{subscription_order_id}/unskip
Unskip a skipped order in the subscription schedule.
Updated 9 days ago